Splitrock Environmental’s first project began at the confluence of the Fraser and Seton Rivers and was carried out in a partnership between the Sekw’el’was community and the Lillooet Naturalist Society. With a goal to turn a heavily used and degraded area of wetlands and upland ponderosa pine bunchgrass ecosystem into a richer, natural, diverse and functioning wildlife habitat area, the Powerhouse Foreshore project was implemented over 5 years. Due to the close proximity to the town of Lillooet, there were plenty of opportunities for students to help with the restoration process. These ongoing efforts have increased usable habitat at the site, including rare and endangered species such as the Western screech owl, the rubber boa, yellow bellied racer and the great basin gopher snake. Splitrock Environmental continues to assist in habitat recovery at the Powerhouse Site to ensure that the hard work done by all is protected for years to come. To this day, the site and project continue to provide an array of outreach and education opportunities, community enjoyment and cultural uses.
Powerhouse Site Restoration