Splitrock Environmental
An award winning, St’at’imc owned, business specializing in environmental services, ecological restoration, native plant propagation and production of ethnobotanical products.
Splitrock Environmental has been in operation since 2007 in which time we have successfully completed environmental habitat and vegetation surveys, implemented fish and wildlife surveys and monitoring programs and carried out ecological restoration activities.
Splitrock Environmental’s first project began at the confluence of the Fraser and Seton Rivers and was carried out in a partnership between the Sekw’el’was community and the Lillooet Naturalist Society. With a goal to turn a heavily used and degraded area of wetlands and upland ponderosa pine bunchgrass ecosystem into a richer, natural, diverse and functioning wildlife habitat area, the...
For millennia, the St’át’imc have drawn from the plants and animals of the land to sustain their livelihoods. Splitrock Environmental Sekw’el’was honours the cultural knowledge of our communities and explores ways to increase this knowledge and provide economic opportunities back to the community.
Today, Splitrock Environmental combines traditional knowledge with contemporary methods to handcraft a variety of products using ethically gathered plants. All of our products are made locally in small batches by skilled community members to ensure the highest quality. Check out our catalogue or come visit us to see more.
If your selection is sold out please message us to inquire about special orders
Splitrock Native Plant Nursery propagates native plants for use in ecological restoration and remediation as well as for landscaping and naturescaping purposes. Stock is propagated at our nursery from native propagules. Seed is ethically collected within the ecological range of the intended planting site. We also propagate vegetatively using locally collected cuttings. We will propagate from native plant salvage operations where wild plants would otherwise be destroyed by planned construction activities. Call us as well, before you dig!
We propagate native plant species that benefit wildlife, provide traditional values, heal the land and are adapted to regional climates. We grow grassland, forest, wetland and alpine plants for use in ecological restoration, industrial remediation, landscaping and backyard gardens. Seed sales and custom orders are available.